List with Us

Does your organization promote physical activity or health and well-being and is looking to reach more participants? Submit your details to be featured on our site.

List an Active Living Opportunity

Do you offer a resource or run an organization that promotes physical activities?

Activity Name and Description

Active Living Opportunity Type 
Age Groups Served 

Select all age groups served by this organization/activity.

Nature of Activity 

Is this activity played/performed indoors or outdoors, or both, in the context of this entry (organization, park, resource).


Select where this activity/park is available or located.


Additional notes/details about what is Free if that option is selected


Additional notes/details for the accessibility section.

Organization Contact Info to Publish

Your Contact Details (not published on website)

Your Name

Please enter your email so we can get in touch.

List a Health & Wellbeing Resource

Do you offer a resource or run an organization that promotes health and wellbeing?

Health & Wellbeing Resource

Organization Contact Info to Publish

Your Contact Details (not published on website)

Your Name

Please enter your email so we can get in touch.

Share an Event or News Article

Do you have an Event or Update related to active living or health & wellbeing in Lethbridge that you want to share?

The news post heading or event name. For events, include the dates.

Short paragraph of text below the page title/heading.

Featured Image or Video

You can include a featured image, or share a YouTube video using the options below.

For sharing a YouTube video, paste the URL here.

Add any text content below the featured image or video. This text can be formatted for longer form content (subheadings, lists, etc.)

Add any PDF files (e.g. event poster, newsletter) to be included as downloadable files.

The author name or source to include on the page.

Your Contact Details (not published on website)

Please enter your email so we can get in touch.