Acting on Imagination -- Addressing the Challenges of Making Lethbridge the Healthiest Community

Following on Dr. Hancock's call to action, if Lethbridge is to “achieve equitable health and social outcomes now and for future generations, without destroying the health of our planet”, it must address challenges. Building on the work of the Healthy Cities initiative, a variety of community-based health promotion projects throughout the world, including here in Alberta, have planted seeds for the type of broad-based, intersectoral collaborative action and healthy public policy change that creates supportive social and physical environments so essential to the health of a population. One of the biggest challenges is sustained commitment and effort to achieve an adequate "preventive dose". This presentation will share health promotion principles and lessons learned from those communities to help us move beyond imagination to action. What has worked well, in what contexts, and how? What will it take for Lethbridge's imagined future to come to fruition? What is your role in change?

Author/Source: Sherri Gallant

Posted May 31, 2022